PLUS   30secTrackFestival +


#169825 "Gong In 30 seconds" 150BPM
#169853 "Failure to Communicate" (30sec)" 150BPM
#169857 "Faillure to communicate" 150BPM
#169925 "Sturm und Ruhe" 150BPM
#170099 "Sturm und Flaute" 150BPM
#170584 "Iron lady+ intro "
#170638 "ship of fear"
#170361 "R U S M past -2 (30sec+)" 60BPM
#169339 "Alien Time Warp Zone" 60BPM
#169353 "SteelStrangTonDah&LightNIN" 60BPM
#170382 "-71 They discovered the truth 30s+" 60BPM
#170275 "Transformation of the Eclipse _30s+" 87BPM
#170280 " In Kathmandu" 87BPM
#170360 "Anxiety shock during the surgery" 160BPM
#170197 "Ant day (30sec+)" 120BPM
#170354 "Distant psycho influences 30sec+" 90BPM
#170032 "Yeah Martin!!!" 110BPM
#169548 " Put on the last" 120BPM
#169864 "Pipes and more" 115BPM

This includes tracks that are longer than 30 seconds using the previous Wikiloops-tree track as a sample or a base for extended composition
  Failure to Communicate
#169825 "Gong In 30 seconds" 150BPM
#169853 "“Failure to Communicate" (30sec)" 150BPM
#169857 "Faillure to communicate" 150BPM

#169925 "Sturm und Ruhe" 150BPM
#170099 "Sturm und Flaute" 150BPM

  Ship of fear
#170584 "Iron lady+ intro "
#170638 "ship of fear"

#170361 " R U S M past -2 (30sec+)" 60BPM

#169353  "SteelStrangTonDah&LightNIN" 60BPM

#170382 "-71 They discovered the truth 30s+" 60BPM

#169339 " Alien Time Warp Zone" 60BPM

  Four beginnings and endings
#170275 "Transformation of the Eclipse _30s+" 87BPM
#170280 " In Kathmandu" 87BPM

  Anxiety shock after surgery
#170360 "Anxiety shock during the surgery" 160BPM

  Ants day (30 sec)
#170197 "Ant day (30sec+)" 120BPM

  5 x 6 (more Neb)
#170354 "Distant psycho influences 30sec+" 90BPM

  (#30secfestival) Short Club Jazz
#170032 "Yeah Martin!!!" 110BPM

  Temporal (first the last)
#169548 " Put on the last" 120BPM

  (#30secfestival) Pipes and More
#169864 "Pipes and more" 115BPM